The U.S. Department of Energy has all sorts of studies out there and you could read them every day and still not know what’s right for your home. It can be confusing to make decisions as a homeowner in Las Vegas, NV! But one thing is clear; properly insulating your home reduces your utility costs and improves the comfort in your home. However, there are many homes in Las Vegas that don’t have the proper insulation! Why is that? Perhaps they were built years ago and the insulation codes were different. Maybe they cut corners to save money when they built the home. Whatever the reason, the longer you put off properly insulating your home, the more money you are losing. Here are a few reasons to put insulation at the top of your priority list.
Sure, you have to pay money up front for further insulation, but you can save as much as 50% of the energy you use when your home is insulated correctly. You’re wasting a lot of money right now, right? And who wants that to continue? You can possibly cut your energy bills in half if you insulate your home properly.
If you live in a noisy part of Las Vegas, it might feel like you’re outside because you can hear just as well inside as when you are outside. But insulation can help with that as well. When your home is insulated, you won’t hear nearly as much as you would otherwise. That insulation dampens any noises that try to get in.
Those are great reasons to consider insulation, but what do you need to insulate? You may not know where to begin. When most homeowners think of insulation, their minds move to the attic and that’s a great place to start. Check attic regulations and see if you have enough insulation. If not, add some! It’s not that hard of a job and you can even get money back on your taxes for making the energy efficient upgrade.
The attic is definitely an insulator, but did you know that your windows are as well? If you want to insulate your home and you’re looking to upgrade, the windows might be a good answer for you as well. Windows act as insulation when you have quality products installed. And if your windows are old and worn out, they’re not doing much good. Insulating windows will save you money on your bills, bring peace and quiet to the home, and add value to the property. Plus, you’ll be more comfortable and secure within your home.
If you’re ready to upgrade your insulation with new windows, contact Master Craftsmen Inc. at (702) 330-7907. We’re here to listen to the specifics on your home and give you the best advice possible. For more details, you can check Las Vegas NV windows. Stop by and see us at 7850 Dean Martin Dr, Ste 502, Las Vegas, NV 89139 and let’s get started on that insulation project today!