Standard replacement windows in Henderson, NV have price tags right on them and when you start looking at new windows, you appreciate the straightforward pricing. But, as you know, windows are an investment and you might want to know how the windows got to that price level. Plus, there are upgrades you can add to the standards, which will only raise the price. Here are some of the things that go into the cost of new windows to help you understand the bottom line.
The Frame Materials
One of the earliest decisions you will make when you get new windows is what frame material you want. The frames you saw on the showroom floor were of a certain material and that determined the price of those windows. If you get vinyl materials, you are going to pay less for the window overall than you would if you got wood or really any other material. Vinyl is the least expensive, but also the highest in quality so you don’t have to worry about sacrificing quality for cost.
The Glass Pack
Standard windows come with double pane glass, which also features an air-filled space between the panes of glass. That’s what you will see included on the frames that you see on the showroom floor and the price tags they carry. But you can also upgrade the windows to include a lot of other things in their glass pack. While the upgrades cost more, they are often worth the cost if you can fit them into your budget. You could, for example, get triple pane glass, low-E coatings on the glass, or inert gas fillings. All of those things increase efficiency, lower energy bills, and can help with other home issues.
The Hardware
While the hardware seems like a small thing (and it is), it can also impact the cost of the windows. The standard hardware probably looks plain to you, but it works great and there’s nothing wrong with it. You can, though, upgrade to any other hardware you want and the upgrades might cost more than the standards. You can get something that matches the windows, locks in a different way, or stands out against the windows. Whatever you get can increase the price of the windows as you see them in the showroom.
There are lots of other things to understand about replacement windows in Henderson, NV, and the way they are priced, but the professionals at Master Craftsmen Inc. are here to help with that. When you call us for a free consultation, we’ll go over any details you want to know about. We’re also here later if you want to call and ask more questions. The consultation comes with no obligations so you won’t feel any pressure to move ahead. You get new windows when you are good and ready and not before. When you’re ready, we’re here to help. Before that, we’re here for questions and details whenever you need them.